HMD’s popular Program Series is back! Join us for our first event of the year, “Two Montgomery County Cooks”
Claudia Kousoulas and Ellen Letourneau present stories from their recent book, A Culinary History of Montgomery County, about Elizabeth Ellicott Lea of Sandy Spring and Maria Brooke Watkins of Bethesda who each wrote a cookbook, a generation apart, that reflect their lives and the lives of their neighbors in Montgomery County.
Date: Sunday, February 26, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST
Location: Old Town Hall/Bank Building, 19933 Fisher Ave Poolesville, MD 20837
Cost: $10 for current members of Historic Medley District, and $20 for non-members.
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Following the lecture, attendees will enjoy a book signing and wine reception with small bites prepared from the cookbook.
Space is limited and tickets must be purchased in advance at:
Will pay at door